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Cash, Johnny - 3 CD Box Collection
Cash, Johnny - 3 CD Box Collection

Startseite » 50's / Rock'n'Roll » Alvis Wayne & The Ramblers - Heat Seeking Missile - VINYL
Alvis Wayne & The Ramblers - Heat Seeking Missile - VINYL
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Alvis Wayne & The Ramblers - Heat Seeking Missile - VINYL


enviken records: Swing Bop Boogie, Sleep Rock-A-Roll Rock-A-Baby, Lay Your Head On My Shkoulder, Don' Mean Maybe Baby are all Rockabilly calssics & stands out as some of the best recordings ever made in the genre.


Now a little more than 40 years later, Alvis Wayne proves that he still got it, his voice is still as powerfull as in the Westport days. Backed up by one of Swedens finest bands: Wild Fire Willie & The Ramblers, whom is giving these recordings a solid beat. The first track ROCKABILLY DADDY is an uptempo bopper that sure'll make you wanna hit the dancefloor. HERE I AM, a steady laidback stroller with some fine bluesy guitar from J.J. the echo ladden FALL FALLING is bound to be heard frequently at Lovers Rock. Last but not least comes cool but aggressive comes HEAT SEEKING MISSILE, with some great lyrics.


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