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50's / Rock'n'Roll
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The Nation's Best-Selling Records - Rock & Roll Party
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The Nation's Best-Selling Records - Rock & Roll Party

The Nation's Best-Selling Records - Rock & Roll Party

32 real rockin' tracks - a compilation for your next Party! Strollers and boppers till your feet are burning!


  1. The Carlets - Stampede
  2. Pat Flowers - Rock-Sock the Boogie
  3. John Ashely - Let the good times roll
  4. Dick Lory - Ball room baby
  5. Tommy Danton - Oh yeah
  6. Leroy van Dyke - Leather Jacket
  7. Jay Brinkley - Crazy crazy heart
  8. Ronnie Love - Chills & Fever
  9. The Five Stars - Atom bomb baby
  10. Jim Lowe - The crossing
  11. Roy Tann - Hot Rod Queen
  12. Jimmy Dee - You're late Miss Kate
  13. Dick D'Agostini - Afraid to take a chance
  14. Kripp Johnson - Woke up this morning
  15. Carol Jarvis - Sock hop
  16. Snooky Lanson - Stop (let me off the bus)
  17. Wally Lewis - White Bobby Sox
  18. Don Jonston - I'm hypnotized
  19. The Commodores - Uranium
  20. Darrel Glenn - Your little red wagon
  21. Jim Lowe - Rocka-a-Chicka
  22. Danny Wolfe - Pucker paint
  23. The Del-Vikings - What made Maggie run
  24. Dick Lory - Cool it Baby
  25. The Tilltoppers - Do the bop
  26. Dolly Cooper - Big rock inn
  27. Henry Wilson - Mithgty Low
  28. Pat Flowers - Ain't that just like a woman
  29. Roy Tann - Your driver's license, please
  30. Leroy van Dyke - My good mind went bad
  31. Wally Lewis - Kathleen
  32. Dick d'Agostini - Night Walk

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