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Di Maggio Marco - Rockabilly From The Boots Up, Vampirella

Startseite » Rockabilly/Teddyboy » Higham, Darrel & The Enforcers - Unleashed
Higham, Darrel & The Enforcers - Unleashed
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Darrel Higham is definitely one of top acts on the Rock'n'Roll scene and here is a enthusiastic Rockabilly recording especially for the fans of classic Rock'n'Roll. What you get with this CD is the real Enforcers: powerful, hard edged modern Rockabilly. Songs such as Rockabilly Boogie and Jelly Bean have been part of their stage act for quite a while and this album is basically made up from a typical Enforcers set list and this will please the many fans around the world that have wanted just such an album to add to their ever growing collection of the band's recordings.

1. I got the bug 2. Everybody's movin' 3. That's alright mama 4. Inside your head 5. So long, behave, be gone 6. Guybo 7. Jelly Bean 8. Tennessee Gallup 9. Sleep Rock'n'Roll, rock-a-baby 10. You talk in your sleep 11. We're movin' on 12. The Sweeney 13. Rockabilly boogie 14. Catch the falcon 15. Rockin' daddy 16. Five o'clock hop 17. Nervous breakdown

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